Вакансия в Региональном Офисе ФАО в Будапеште
Вакансия в Региональном Офисе ФАО в Будапеште
Vacancy Announcement is issued by FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia for the position of Strategic Programme Officer, duty station Budapest. The position is opened for internationalapplications. Duration of contract is 11 months. Details on duties related
to the position may be found at the following link: http://www.fao.org/europe/employment/en/Deadline for application: Friday morning, 8 April 2016, 09.00 a.m.HOW TO APPLY To apply for the position, candidates should:a) Register and create a Personal Profile Form (PPF) on FAO
iRecruitment site by clicking on the following link: http://www.fao.org/employment/irecruitment-access/en/b) And submit to the e-mail address: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть
включен JavaScript для просмотра. // two documents:1- The duly completed PPF generated from FAO’s iRecruitment portal as
a PDF-file and 2- A cover letter The subject line of the application message should be as follows: VA
FAO/REU/2016/007 and the last name of the applicant. In order for applications to be properly evaluated, it should be ensured
that all sections of the on-line Personal Profile Form are completed. Please note that attached resumes or CV’s in place of the PPF will not be
accepted. Deadline for submission of your application: Friday, 8 April 2016, 9:00
a.m. (Budapest time) Applications received after the closing date will not be given
consideration. Only qualified candidates will be contacted.